This list of cellphone puns is open to contribution. If you’d like to add a cellphone pun to it, please submit it to us using the comments section below.
When was the first time you got a cellphone? Were you a kid, or did you end up getting it when you went to college? I was in high school, and the only plan I could use was the emergency plan at the time. That is because my parents could not afford me to hang out on my phone all day, and besides, I would not get my schoolwork done if I had. However, at times I did need to use it if I ran into trouble or call a friend to let them know if I would be late for something. However, when I did get my first job as I was in college, I did end up getting a phone plan that allowed me to use it beyond emergencies. I often used the net on my phone, but I had to keep it away from class or else that would have been a terrible distraction for me. My professors would not have stood for it. Oh well, but I love my cellphone and I know that it is the lifeline for many. So what more can be said about cellphones? I don’t know but let’s go over 50 cellphone puns that make the call, shall we?
List of Cellphone Puns That Make The Call:
Following are some of the best cellphone puns that make the call:
- The reason that cellphones are called what they are is that they make people prisoners.
- The iPhone that does not fool around is so Siri-ous.
- A cellphone cannot work underwater when it is wringing wet.
- What do you call a cellphone that no longer works? A dead ringer.
- How do you know that the cellphone ended up in your ear? When your ear is ringing.
- What is the purpose of a landline? To find a cellphone that is somewhere in your house.
- Did you know that thieves prefer to steal Android phones instead of iPhones? That is because they like to Hangout and not Face Time.
- What is your iPhone charger called? apple juice.
- The cellphone said to the back pocket that it wanted to make a booty call.
- Why is it not a good idea to have phone sex without protection? You do not want to contract hearing aids.
- The Stormtrooper ended up buying an iPhone because he couldn’t find the ‘Droid he was looking for.
- A bald spot on a salesman at the cell phone store is the gap in coverage.
- When the guy accidentally butt-dialed his proctologist, the doctor was clearly getting tired of that shitty joke.
- What do you get when you cross a cellphone with mouthwash? A telescope.
- What cellphone brand does not need a lock? Nokia.
- What is a cellphone crossed with a nightcrawler? Ringworm.
- A cat with a cellphone says to someone who couldn’t hear them ‘Can you hear me meow?’.
- Do you know what an unlimited cellphone plan is? There is an easy explanation to it since there is no limit to how much they can charge.
- The skeleton did not need a cellphone since there was nobody that he could call.
- The naked guy could not get any cell service because of a reason: No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service.
- What is a cellphone crossed with a skunk? Stinky service.
- If you see an iPhone getting stolen, does that make you an iWitness?
- When you fall asleep on your cellphone, you download a nap.
- Wasn’t life so much easier when Blackberry and Apple were only fruits?
- The couple that got married under the cell tower had a nice wedding but the reception was amazing.
- The one thing that cellphones and dirty bathtubs have in common is that both have various rings.
- The italian brand of cell phone that is shaped like a dumpling is known as the Gnocchia.
- The things that the consumers say about the price of the new iPhone X/S is that it is excess-ive.
- The perfect music for cellphones are symphonies.
- What is something that does not ask any questions but demands an answer? Of course, your cellphone!
- iPhone users don’t bother sending the Meteor emoji to Android users because it doesn’t have the same impact.
- The skeleton calls his friends on his cellbone.
- The only cell provider priests use is Virgin Mobile.
- How do you express yourself when you’re exasperated? Take out your cellphone and send vexed messages.
- What is an iPhone without me? Just a phone.
- The thing you say to someone when you drunk dial them is al-cohol you later.
- Chuck Norris never dials the wrong number, instead you picked up the wrong cellphone.
- In what way did tech-savvy dinosaurs message each other? Tyrannosaurus-Texts.
- Bisons cannot use cellphones since the roaming charges kill them.
- The cellphone plan does Dr. Noonien Soong uses is the one with unlimited Data.
- The only way you get an iPhone to sync is to name it Titanic.
- Birds cannot use cellphones since they are afraid of winging the wrong number.
- A fashion designer almost dropped the cellphone in the pool and that was a clothes call.
- I did leave you a voicemail when I called you from my cellphone so you will have to take my word for it.
- star Trek TNG Captain Piccard never uses an iPhone since he prefers Androids.
- What sounds like a mexican cellphone store? taco Bell.
- You can see a galaxy explode at a Samsung store.
- What is a very rotten and disgraceful download you could get if you use your iPhone? Bad applet.
- The guy who named his cellphone Privilege is the one who never checks it.
- I was not joking when I said my cellphone does strange things as I am dead siri-ous!
I hope you enjoyed that. Oh, look at the time! I have to make a call, with my cellphone! I will be back soon!
Do you wish to add your own cellphone pun to the list?
Feel free to let us know using the comments section below.