This list of dormouse puns is open to contribution. If you’d like to add a dormouse pun to it, please submit it to us using the comments section below.
If you needed help with the list of dormouse puns, This is the place to be.
We did our research to help you with just that - a complete list of puns related to dormouse.
Best Dormouse Puns to Use in 2025
The following are all the best puns related to dormouse to use this year:
- Why was the dormouse such a good lawyer? Because he was always quick to burrow evidence.
- What do you call a dormouse with no legs? A furball.
- How does a dormouse decide what to wear? He checks his ward-robe.
- Why did the dormouse bring a ladder to the party? Because he wanted to be a social climber.
- What did the dormouse say when he couldn't find his cheese? Gouda grief!
- Why did the dormouse go on a diet? He heard he was a little too 'chipmunk-y'.
- How does a dormouse measure its height? In inches, since they have small feet!
- Why was the dormouse always the center of attention? He had a captivating 'tail'.
- What do you call a dormouse magician? A mouse-cician!
- Why did the dormouse start a band? He wanted to be a rock-and-roll-rat.
- How do you catch a dormouse? Hide in the forest and make a 'ferret' guess.
- What do you get if you cross a dormouse and a turtle? A slow-y sleepover.
- Why do dormice never play hide-and-seek? They're great at blending in.
- What did the dormouse say to the acorn? You crack me up!
- Why didn't the dormouse want to share its food? It was tired of being taken for 'granite'.
- What do you call a dormouse that can fly? A moth-er of invention.
- Why did the dormouse refuse to lend money? He was a real 'sting-y' sleeper.
- How did the dormouse know it was time to clean up? He had mice and neat in his bed.
- What do dormice do before going on a trip? Pack their suitcases and take a 'mouse-take'.
There you go, I hope you appreciate these dormouse puns!